Nokia Image Exchange is a free mobile image gallery app for nokia s60v3 or s60v5 to make browsing and sharing photos fun and easy. Image Exchange explores user experience when the mobile phone is enabled with an always-on data connection and utilizes existing contact information as a basis for social networking.
Bagaimana? Lumayan baguskan?
Lumayanlah buat nambahin koleksi game dan aplikasi di hp kamu or How? Pretty good? Not bad for adding a collection of games an aplication on your hp
Download filenya
download Nokia Image Exchange 1.0 beta for S60v3 such as N95, N85, N82, N81, E71, N76, N78..etc
download Nokia Image Exchange 1.0 beta for S60v5 such as N97 Mini, 5530, 5800 XpressMusic dan X6
* Maju terus indonesia dan tetap berhati-hati dalam hidup ini,semoga bermanfaat dan sukses semoga ALLAH slalu memberikan yang terbaik selamanya kepada galihrezah dan kekasihnya,,,amin
hehehe makasih
bentar ane mikir dulu buat postingan besok,,hehe
hehehe jadi malu
kabur ah..hahaha
balik lagi ah hehehe..
eh ga jadi kabur ah hihihi
maaf-maaf kalau ane ada salah..hehe
salam kenal yah hehehe
kunjungi http://bloggertouch.appspot.com/galihrezah untuk versi mobile agar lebih mudah untuk memposting komentar thx for visiting this blog and CMIIW (Correct Me If I am Wrong).
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