+ Colorcorrection on LED Flash off + Default ISO 200 + More Hue for better color level + More Contrast and Saturation added + Improved Document Mode for shots off drawings + Jpeg Init Quality to Max. + Jpeg Min. and Max. Code Size to Max. + Cam Clock Frequency to Perfect Value 450 kHz (performance) + Jpeg Buffer Size to 5000 KB (performance) + White Balance, Focus mode & BestPic from the C/905 latest Camdriver Modded by DarKMaGiCiaN + Max. Video Framerate on all Resulution + HQ VGA (640×480) 13 FPS Constant VIDEO Recording, you find it as Video/Nightmode (No Preview) (for DB3210 created by Rodriguez ™) Normalmode with 30 FPS still alive !!! + Now Full Sharpness Level & Better Black Value + Better Image Stabilization + Faster Saving Pictures & Video (performance) + Full Cleaned from unneeded (performance) + Improved Nightmode + Fix the Framerate & VF Problem + some little Changes in Focus + Walk ISO by Jock EV +/- change the ISO + VGA Video FIXES kamera bagus untuk w995i Maju terus indonesia dan tetap berhati-hati dalam hidup ini,semoga bermanfaat dan sukses semoga ALLAH slalu memberikan yang terbaik selamanya kepada galihrezah dan kekasihnya,,,aminhehehe makasih
ReplyDelete@nizza iya dinda